Success Stories
Meet some of the incredible communities we are working with that are changing the goal posts of what’s possible in sustainability resilience projects
1. Rolling Fund House Pilot Program
In order to ascertain benefits in real terms of installing solar and batteries on to the roof of an Aboriginal families home in remote NSW, we did a test case on the roof of Uncle Ike’s home.
We installed a 6kW solar system and a 10KwHr battery and here are the results!
84% reduction in his bill
Over $2080 savings per quarter that he can spend on his families wellbeing and education
Upwards of $8,000 per year
13,140kW produced over the year, half of which can be utilised from the battery storage
120tonnes of GHG abated with his self-powering solar system
2. Atherton Tablelands Mob
Some of the initiatives they are pursuing
Ranger Country protection and regeneration programs from mine sites, pollution and other activities performed without their permission
Native nursery building and native plant propagation for education, bush tucker and medicine, rainforest renegeration
Education programs and Country reconnect programs for young people
3. Townsville Education and sovereignty
Some of the initiatives Uncle Wagan is employing with his people
A Traditional Knowledge Centre on Country
Sovereignty and community diplomacy programs, including the Netat Ad Tribal Confederation
4. Mt Isa Youth Program engaging Police and Child Protection
How this initiative is progressing
Situation with kids getting out of control
Aggressive behaviour continuing and experienced whilst TVC representatives we’re in Mt Isa
Letters written to all the heads of Departments and Agencies; Child Protection, the Local Mayor, Local MP, Head of Police, State Premiere, calling the shots on how to fix the issues
Calling on culture and sovereignty, know that western ways of punitive measures weren’t going to progress anywhere
Now developing a traditional cultural program that enables kids to be themselves and find their position in life